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Neurozone® Personal Assessment

Identify levels of psychological resilience & provide recommendations to enhance resilience, prevent burnout, and set you up for high performance

This cutting-edge, neuroscience-based, self-report assessment identifies your current level of psychological resilience – defined as the innate yet dynamic capacity to adapt, learn, and grow in the face of challenges. Resilience enables us to cope successfully with stress and can facilitate the preparedness to perform well under pressure in various aspects of life. The journey towards enhancing our resilience and unlocking our readiness for high performance, relies on us developing certain performance-boosting behaviours and mental and emotional states – which this assessment calls Paths.

The assessment results identify (1) your current level of resilience (via the Neurozone® Resilience Index), (2) which Paths are currently optimising your resilience, and (3) which Paths are under-optimised that have the greatest potential to build your resilience. Neurozone® uses their unique ‘High Performance Code’ to generate commendations and recommendations based on a low-energy-for-high-yield formula.

The assessment also contains brief scales assessing organisational outcomes for those individuals who are employed (e.g., experience of burnout symptoms, self-rated job performance, job satisfaction, engagement, turnover intentions, and absenteeism) for continuous research purposes. The Personal Report does however not provide any content regarding the assessed organisational outcomes to the individual. 


The Neurozone® Personal Assessment is used for individual development and support.


The Neurozone® Personal Assessment has one (1) report available:

The Neurozone® Personal Report identifies your level of resilience and provides personalised resilience-building recommendations (Paths) to enhance resilience, prevent burnout, and set you up for high performance.

The Neurozone Personal Assessment can be accessed in two ways:

  • Webbased version:
    Use this option if you are interested in simply having your client take the assessment and get their report.

  • App (iStore, and Google Play)
    6-month and 12-month subscriptions are available. Use this option if you want your client to take the Personal Assessment once per month to track progress. Your client will also receive daily micro-learning interventions via the app to assist them on their resilience journey.


The Neurozone® Personal Assessment consists of:

1.      Neurozone® Resilience Index; and

2.      59 Paths (behaviours, emotional states, and cognitive states) that self-organise into one of five High Performance Domains (i.e., categories in which the Paths achieve a similar effect or address a similar primary capacity in the brain-body system):  

  • Rhythms: Paths that work with, or rely on, the natural cycles of the brain-body system. These consist primarily of behaviours that require repetitive, routinised observation and/or practice.

  • Energy: Paths that work to optimise the degree of psychological and emotional energy in the brain-body system, which we assign to our daily tasks. These Paths include reducing behaviours, mental states, and emotional states which block, leak, or waste our energy, and enhancing those which boost our energy. 

  • Connectors: Paths that address our inherent needs as social organisms for interconnectedness. They primarily concern interpersonal adhesives such as belonging, entrustment, and empathy.

  • Transformers: Paths that encourage the cultivation of mindsets and perspectives that open up possibilities of adaptation and thriving and discourage mindsets and perspectives that limit those possibilities.

  • Innovators: Paths that promote optimally effective approaches to creative problem solving. These approaches occur on both the individual and collective (e.g., team/organisational) level. 

Product Info


optional Get training

Age range

Individuals 18 years and older

Administration time

25-30 minutes


South African Norms



Administration Platform


Integrated reports






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