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Millon® Adolescent Clinical Inventory (MACI®)

Assesses adolescent personality patterns as well as self-reported concerns and clinical symptoms.

The Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory (MACI) was specifically created to address the unique concerns, pressures and situations facing teens. This assessment helps assess personality patterns as well as self-reported concerns and clinical symptoms. To assistin formulating a more precise treatment plan, the Grossman Facet Scales identify personality processes (e.g., self-image, mood, temperament) that underlie overall scale elevations on the Personality Pattern scales. Each personality scale has three facet scales, for which results are presented in the electronic reports.

Using an age-appropriate format, the MACI helps measure a number of factors closely associated with adolescents, including Sexual Discomfort, Substance Abuse Proneness, Suicidal Tendency and Eating Dysfunctions.


The MACI test contains 27 scales in three clinically relevant categories along with modifying indices that help identify test-taking attitudes, as well as confused or random responding.

  • 12 Personality Patterns Scales

  • 8 Expressed Concerns Scales

  • 7 Clinical Syndromes Scales

  • 3 Modifying Indices

  • 1 Validity Scale

  • 36 Grossman Personality Facet Scales


The MACI is well suited for use in all teen treatment settings including inpatient, outpatient, day treatment and residential treatment programmes. This versatile instrument is essential in helping to:

  • Conduct detailed evaluations to confirm diagnostic hypotheses

  • Create individualised treatment plans

  • Measure progress before, during and after treatment


The MACI has the following two software reports available:

  • Profile Report: provides base rate scores for all 27 scales and three modifying indices in an easy-to-read graph. This convenient report can help to quickly identify clients who may require more intensive evaluation.

  • Interpretive Report:provides an in-depth analysis that brings critical concerns to light andincludes treatment strategies, specifically developed to address teen-related issues. Diagnostic recommendations are aligned with DSM-IV classifications. The report also includes a profile of base rate scores for the scales.


JVR Psychometrics welcomes the opportunity to partner with clients in conducting research.

Product Info



Age range

Individuals 13 to 19 years and older

Administration time

Not specified




English and Spanish

Administration Platform

Hand Scoring / Client Services

Integrated reports



Theodore Millon, PhD, DSc, Carrie Millon, PhD, Roger Davis, PhD and Seth Grossman, PsyD

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