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Hogan Development Survey (HDS)

Measures behavioural tendencies when people are under stress and pressure in the workplace.

The Hogan Development Survey describes the dark side of personality. According to the HDS there are 11 possible counterproductive behavioural tendencies that emerge during times of increased stress or pressure. Under typical circumstances, these characteristics may be strengths. However, when people are tired, pressured, bored, or otherwise distracted, these are qualities that can damage reputation, disrupt relationships with colleagues and customers, hinder productivity, and limit career potential. The HDS is the only business-related inventory that measures these dysfunctional behavioural patterns. 


The HDS includes the following scales:

  • Bold: Overly self-confident, arrogant, with inflated feelings of self-worth

  • Imaginative: Creative, but thinking and acting in unusual or eccentric ways

  • Colourful: Dramatic, attention-seeking, interruptive, poor listening skills

  • Mischievous: Charming, risk-taking, limit-testing, excitement-seeking

  • Excitable: Moody, easily annoyed, hard to please, emotionally volatile

  • Reserved: Aloof, indifferent to feelings of others, uncommunicative

  • Sceptical: Distrustful, cynical, sensitive to criticism, focused on the negative

  • Cautious: Unassertive, resistant to change, risk averse, slow to make decisions

  • Leisurely: Overtly cooperative, but privately irritable, stubborn, uncooperative

  • Diligent: Perfectionistic, hard to please, micromanaging

  • Dutiful: Eager to please and reluctant to act independently or against popular opinion


The HDS predicts job performance by assessing derailment characteristics and identifies problematic aspects of behaviour not detected in an interview and therefore provides useful insights for both recruitment and selection as well as individual development initiatives.


The HDS has the following software reports available, some of which form part of packages where the HPI, HDS, and MVPI need to be completed depending on the report option required:

  • Data Report: Provides numerical scores for the primary scales.

  • Graph Report: Provides scores for primary scales in a graphical format.

  • Flash Report: Designed for use by a coach or user with expertise to interpret based on numbers alone, no interpretive narrative is included.

  • Insights Report: Builds self-awareness by highlighting behavioural tendencies of which the participant may be unaware.

  • Configure Report: Aids determining key attributes, qualities, and skills to accurately evaluate potential talent.

  • Hogan Basis Report: Provides a hiring recommendation, behavioural interview guide, and systematic method using a combination of the assessment and interview results.

  • Coaching Report: A self-guided, comprehensive, development-planning tool for individual leadership development.

  • HDS Challenge Report: Predicts career-derailing behaviours that interfere with the ability to build a cohesive and high-performing team.

  • High Potential Talent Report: Prioritises areas where focus and attention should be targeted, resulting in maximised leadership potential.

  • Summary Report: Provides an overview of a participant’s strengths, challenges, and values, therefore integrating results across the HPI, HDS, and MVPI.

  • Hogan Team Report: Provides information on team roles, team culture, team derailers as well as individual scores to serve as a tool that may facilitate team performance.

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