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The Hogan 360 is a comprehensive multi-rater feedback instrument, designed to help career-minded individuals and leaders at any level of an organisation, gain a better understanding of how they are perceived by managers, peers, direct reports and others. This instrument gives a snapshot view of the behaviour of an individual in an organisation at the time that the ratings were made. The Hogan 360 makes use of a leadership framework that is easy to interpret, and provides a real-time look at an individual’s attitude, behaviour and performance. The assessment is widely used for development, using the constructive feedback and priorities for improvement, as set out by the Hogan 360 Report.


Each of the questions is linked to one of four leadership quadrants:

  • Self-Management refers to personal awareness, self-regulation, stress management, resilience, transparency and authenticity.

  • Relationship Management refers to the ability to achieve better results through better relationships.

  • Working in the Business refers to having the experience, capability and efficiency to consistently deliver great results.

  • Working on the Business refers to adding extra value through innovation and strategic planning and building teams that are motivated and accountable.

  • Combined scores for Self-Management and Relationship Management form a Behavioural Competencies score.

  • Similarly, the combined scores for Working in the Business and Working on the Business form the Business Competencies score.


The Hogan 360 can be used for:

  • Young professionals who want to be promoted

  • Managers who may need targeted coaching around leadership skills or derailment risks

  • Managers who are focused on development and want feedback on their performance

  • Coaching individuals


  • Hogan 360 Report: provides a visual representation of Behavioural and Business Competencies, as well as Competency Combinations. It provides a graphical representation of Leadership Competencies, reveals leadership strengths, and identifies opportunities for improvement and benchmarks ratings against an international norm group. The report provides both qualitative and quantitative feedback and makes specific recommendations for immediate action plans.

Product Info



Age range

Individuals 18 years and older

Administration time

25-30 Minutes





Administration Platform

User portal

Integrated reports



Peter Berry Consultancy and Hogan Assessment Systems, Inc


Hogan Assessment Systems Inc.

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