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Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation™ (FIRO-B®)

Helps people understand their interpersonal needs and how those needs influence their communication style and behaviour.

The Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation™(FIRO®) instruments help individuals, teams, and organisations understand their interpersonal needs and how those needs influence their communication style and behaviour. The FIRO assessments are based on social need theory: all living things seek equilibrium between their basic needs and getting those needs met. They address, gather, and present critical insights around these fundamental areas:

  • How you tend to behave towards others

  • How you want others to behave towards you



INCLUSION: The need to have social interactions and associations with others

CONTROL: Wanting to lead and influence others and preferenceto be led and influenced

AFFECTION: Seeking to establish relationships with others, particularly one-on-one relationships

Firo Business

INVOLVEMENT: Inclusion, participation, recognition, belonging and how an individual relates to groups

INFLUENCE: Control, leadership, responsibility, and decision-making authority

CONNECTION: Warmth, understanding, closeness, openness and how an individual relates to others

These needs are measured along 2 dimensions:

  • EXPRESSED: The extent to which a person initiates a particular behaviour.

  • WANTED: The extent to which a person wants others to initiate the behaviour.


The FIRO rangecan be used for the following purposes:

  • Reveals how interpersonal needs drive people’s behaviour

  • Shapes people’s ability to build trust, influence others, and create productive relationships

  • Facilitates the formation and reengagement of teams

  • Highlights perceptual gaps that may inadvertently derail relationships

  • Quickly gathers key insights for relating to direct reports, superiors, and peers

  • Addresses influencing and negotiating, making decisions, and setting priorities

  • Identifies existing communication and interpersonal dynamics that affect leadership success

  • Helps people overcome workplace obstacles and/or prevent workplace issues

  • Supports professional and leadership development, coaching, and team performance


The following software reports are available:

  • FIRO-B Profile: Provides a basic profile of your client's FIRO-B scores.

  • FIRO-B Interpretive for Organisations: The purpose of this report is to show how the results from the FIRO-B assessment can help the client understand their behaviour and the behaviour of others in the organisation. This is ideal for use in advancing career development, explaining team roles,improving team effectiveness, and identifying leadership operating styles.

  • Leadership Report using the FIRO-Band MBTI®: This report combines the MBTI and FIRO-B instrument results and helps the understanding of the person’s leadership style.

  • FIRO Business Profile: Provides a basic summary of the FIRO Business assessment results and is useful in business applications such as communication workshops and team building.

  • FIRO Business Leadership Report: This report is particularly valuable to businesses because it presents key insights for relating to direct reports, superiors, and peers,influencing and negotiating, making decisions, and setting priorities. The report is a must-use tool for leadership development and executive coaching.

  • FIRO Business Leadership Report with FIRO Business Profile: Presents key insights for relating to direct reports, superiors, and peers, influencing and negotiating, making decisions, and setting priorities.

  • FIRO-B Profile and FIRO-B Interpretive Report for Organisations: This report not only provides your basic profile, but also explains the results in detail as well as how they can be used for development.


JVR Psychometrics welcomes the opportunity to partner with clients in conducting research. Clients are welcome to contact usshould you consider using these assessments for research purposes.

Product Info


Compulsory Get training

Age range

Individuals 18 years and older

Administration time

Not specified




English, French and Portuguese (reports in English only)

Administration Platform


Integrated reports



William Schutz, PhD (FIRO-B), Nicole A. Herk, Richard C. Thompson, Michael L. Morris, and Nancy A. Schaubhut (FIRO-Business)


CPP Inc.

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