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Core Drivers Diagnostic

Provide insight about employee personality for talent management initiatives

The Core Drivers Diagnostic is based on the Five Factor Model of personality and provides candidates with an opportunity to discover their key personality strengths and development areas, or core drivers and risks through an innovative, user-friendly platform aimed at self-awareness and development. They receive immediate feedback and are given lifelong access to the platform through which they can discover more information about themselves, their drivers, team skills, and risks. It also provides them with a tailored learning journey aimed at development.

Understanding yourself and team members is critical to successfully navigate the new world of work. The Deeper Signals platform allows you, as a practitioner, to view teams holistically and leverage insights from your teams to assist them in better understanding each other and functioning together better.


  • The Core Drivers Diagnostic aims to make self-awareness and development easily accessible to everyone.

  • It is a cost-effective solution that provides candidates with lifelong access to the Deeper Signals system.

  • It is a fast and innovative assessment that takes less than 10 minutes to complete.

  • Candidates are provided with immediate feedback that is linked to a tailored learning journey. They get insights into their core drivers and how these relate to teamwork, decision making and leadership. Explore the online report for yourself.

  • The portal allows you to leverage talent insights from your organisation and better understand your workforce.  


The assessment consists of six scales that are based on the Five Factor Model of personality, where both lower and higher scores are labelled to indicate the candidate’s Core Drivers.

Each Core Driver describes a set of behavioural strengths, risks and preferences that are critical for the modern workforce. It helps everyone to describe how they are most unique and shape the candidate’s learning journey to help them grow their potential.


The Core Drivers Diagnostic is administered through the Deeper Signals Platform that has a fresh, modern interface that is ideal for candidate interaction. It allows candidates the opportunity to complete the assessment and provides them with instant feedback that is aimed at self-awareness.

For the practitioner, this platform allows them to:

  • Understand the cognitive diversity across their team, department, or business.

  • Build, design, and compare teams to maximise performance.

  • Access data dashboards and visualisations to get quick and scientific insights.


  • Self-understanding

  • Individual- and team development

  • Onboarding

  • High potential development and coaching


Core Drivers Pro:

The Core Drivers Pro report provides candidates with an overview of their Core Drivers, their secondary drivers, risks that they need to look out for, and information about how their drivers and risks relate to aspects like teamwork and decision making.



Although South African research is not currently available, JVR Psychometrics welcomes the opportunity to partner with clients in conducting research studies in their organisations.


Product Info



Age range

Individuals 18 years and older in mid- senior management.

Administration time

Not specified





Administration Platform

User portal

Integrated reports



Deeper Signals


Deeper Signals. All rights Reserved.

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