Psychometric assessments are widely used in hiring, career development, and personal growth—but they often come with a lot of questions. What exactly do they measure? How should you prepare? And what happens after you’ve completed one? If you’ve ever wondered about these assessments, you’re not alone!
In this post, we’ll answer the most frequently asked questions about psychometric assessments, helping you understand their purpose, process, and impact. Whether you’re taking one for a job application, leadership development, or personal insight, we’ve got you covered.
Let’s dive right in and start with a tricky question!
Q: Can I lie on a psychometric assessment?
A: By assessing your response patterns (i.e. how you respond to questions), certain tests have built-in scales that measure if you answered the questions honestly and consistently or tried to portray yourself differently. Any sign of misrepresentation may reflect in your results. Consequently, honesty is the best policy. Also remember that a psychometric report is only valid, and therefore valuable, if you and the practitioner can work with your true responses and results.
Q: When is the best time to complete an assessment?
A: The best time to complete a psychometric assessment is when you are well-rested, focused, and free from distractions. Ideally, schedule it for a time when you feel mentally alert, such as in the morning or after a break. Avoid completing assessments when you are overly tired, stressed, or distracted, as this can impact your performance and the accuracy of your results. If the assessment is timed, ensure you have uninterrupted time to complete it without feeling rushed.
Q. What questions may I ask the assessment administrator?
A: Any questions about the test/s, the process, and/or your results can be asked at any time before/during or after the assessment. Most of these questions would likely have been answered before or at the beginning of the assessment process.
Q: Can I prepare for a psychometric assessment?
A: This is one of those annoying Yes/No answers. You can prepare for psychometric assessments to a certain degree. For example, by doing the following, some anxiety associated with the process may be alleviated:
The most important is to prepare yourself physically through adequate sleep, proper nutrition, staying hydrated, and limiting screen time beforehand. Also, be mindful of the potential effects stimulants or sedatives may have on you.
For online assessments: Make a list of everything you will need for the assessment process and prepare your workspace accordingly (e.g. have a piece of scrap paper and a pen for calculations, ensure that you have the suggested web browser installed, test the reliability of your internet connection, double-check that your mouse and other equipment are functioning as it should, etc.).
For in-person assessments: ensure you know the venue and arrive on time.
Do research about the assessments. This should help you become familiar with the questions and response formats of assessments. However, beware of incorrect and /or false information that may be available online.
If available and relevant, complete practice tests online.
Q: Are psychometric assessments fair?
A: This topic deserves its own page; wait, we have one.
Closing thoughts:
Psychometric assessments are valuable tools for gaining insight into your abilities, personality, and potential. While you can't "game" the system, being well-rested, prepared, and honest will ensure you get the most accurate and useful results. Remember, these assessments are designed to provide meaningful insights—not to trick you! If you're still curious about fairness in psychometric assessments, be sure to check out our dedicated blog post on the topic.
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